Simon's Flying Training

This is a record of my flying training with Oxford Aviation Training. The first 7 months of Ground School are now complete, and the second phase of the training - the actual flying - starts in Goodyear, Arizona. Keep checking back for updates on my flying progress, and how my Wife and Daughter are coping with a new home in the desert!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Clare!

Hi all
It's been quite a busy week so far, we've been out and about to a few places in the Phoenix area. I've been lucky with my flights this week - Monday was a day off, Tuesday I flew at 6am, Weds I backseated Mal at 6am then flew at 7:30, and I didn't fly today as it's Clare's birthday.
Getting a nice early slot means I am home early, which gives us the rest of the day to go do something. At this early stage in the training there isn't much 'homework' to be done other than learning checklists and procedures, so at most I'm looking at a 4 hour working day, which when started at 5am is pretty nice.
Anyway, on Monday we took the opportunity to go into Phoenix for a visit to the Science Museum. We were really impressed with the place, there was a lot of hands-on activities - including a chance to fly a plane! There was a lot for Georgia to do too, which was nice, and also an IMAX showing which we sat through. The only disappointment was the catering facilities - they made Oxford Aviation's canteen look like a 5 star Michelin restaurant. I think Georgia's expression sums it up best:

On Tuesday we headed over to Scottsdale, firstly for a visit to Crackerjax then a walk around Kierland Mall. The day started off a bit overcast, so at Crackerjax we headed outside for a go on the Crazy Golf - but 2 holes into it the sun broke through the clouds, and promptly cooked us alive. Thank god we'd only paid for a go on one of the courses. Georgia had a great time with the golf - although she quickly dispensed with the club in favour of just picking up the ball and throwing it in the hole. Tiger Woods has nothing on this girl!

After a spot of lunch at Crackerjax we went to Kierland, had a quick look around Barnes & Noble then a look in a couple of kiddy clothes places. It's a really nice mall, with a water fountain in the middle which is similar to the one at Asda Walmart in Swindon. Georgia had a good splash around there (fully clothed, of course), then dragged me in too for a good soaking. The great thing about here is that 5 minutes after you get out of the water, you are bone dry again.

Later that evening we were hit by an awesome thunderstorm, the likes of which I have never seen before in my life. It lasted for hours, and seemed to be all around us. There was very little rain initially, but after a couple of hours the rain arrived and flooded a few areas. The thunder and lightning was amazing though, it just kept constantly flashing and crashing, not at all like what you get in the UK. I managed to get a couple of photos that show three stages - dark, blue, then bright white:

I managed to get some good video footage too, which I'll put up on my website at some point. Gianni off AP256 got some awesome shots of the storm from Goodyear Airport, which I'll also put on my site when I get chance.

Yesterday morning I had a backseat flight with Mal at 6:00, then a quick change over at Buckeye airport and I took off at 7:45. I was practising PFL's (practise forced landings) - only the aircraft we had turned out to be a bit of a lemon. Unfortunately we didn't realise this until we went to apply max power to recover the practise landing. What we did was close the throttle and glide the aircraft towards a nice looking field as if we were going to land, but at the last minute apply max power and climb away - only the engine started to cough and splutter.... so we very nearly ended up doing an actual forced landing! Crumbs chief!
When we returned to Goodyear I brought us in for a landing, and performed my very first unassisted landing. It all went beautifully, so much so that when we cleared the runway Gilbert turned to me and said 'that was a pretty nice landing man' - which in Gilbert-speak means 'that was totally awesome dude!'. Even Mal (who was backseating) commented later that it was really sweet. Made me a happy bunny for the rest of the day!
When I got back home I picked up Clare and Georgia and we headed firstly to Borders in Avondale for children's story time, then up to Arrowhead Mall to meet Tony, Claire and Daisy. We had a spot of lunch at Johnny Rockets then had a wander round the shops for a while, before letting the girls charge around the play area. We also took the opportunity to get Georgia's feet measured at Stride Rites, and buy her some new shoes (she's a size 7 and a half U.S. - feet like canoes, just like her dad)

Today I had a nice lie-in 'til about 8am, followed by a nice lazy morning with Clare and Georgia. Unfortunately I'd already given Clare her birthday presents early, so she had nothing to open :-(
Just before lunch we arranged to head over to Big Surf in Tempe. We had a great time splashing about, keeping cool despite the really high temperatures. Clare had a go on a lot of the water slides too, which she loved:

Shortly after lunch Tony, Claire and Daisy arrived - and the two little-'uns had a great time in the pool. It's really nice for Georgia to have a friend to play with now, even though they do go a bit mental when they get together! Here's a nice photo of Clare with Georgia and Daisy:

Tony had to head back to Goodyear for a 5pm flight, so we brought Claire and Daisy back to our place for a while, which after a quick tea of french toast gave the girls another chance to charge about together, and play with Georgia's new toddler bed. Georgia is a huge 'Dora the explorer' fan, so we managed to buy her a proper Dora toddler bed, and she loves it! Here's a nice pic of Daisy giving Georgia a big hug on the bed:

And that brings us up to date! I hope my dear wife has had a nice day - I know it's not exactly been a 'special' day for her, but I'd like to think we all had a nice time. I just want to let you know that I love you very much Clarey - you are the best thing to happen to me, and I couldn't do this pilot training without you. Happy birthday darling.

Well, it's now 23:45 and I'm up at 4am for a 5:30 flight, so I'm off to get a couple of hours kip!



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