Simon's Flying Training

This is a record of my flying training with Oxford Aviation Training. The first 7 months of Ground School are now complete, and the second phase of the training - the actual flying - starts in Goodyear, Arizona. Keep checking back for updates on my flying progress, and how my Wife and Daughter are coping with a new home in the desert!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Another day, no flying.

Still waiting for approval to fly - spent yesterday roaming about Phoenix a bit, generally getting lost somewhere near the I10. Thank the gods of Sat Nav!
Both Georgia and Clare were a bit under the weather so we didn't stay out all that long.
This morning I was up early to be greeted by an email from the TSA saying that there is a problem my fingerprints - apparently only one card of prints was submitted instead of two. Trying to clear this up with OAT, but it's a safe bet to say I won't be flying any time soon.
It's all very frustrating - sitting around hoping to hear some good news - but can't stray away and go on a 4 day road trip anywhere in case I get approval to fly tomorrow. It would be unfair to say I've wasted two weeks as I've had a lovely time with Clare and Georgia, but it is a shame that we couldn't get out and explore a bit further afield.
I really hope this all gets sorted some time soon so I can actually fly. Having said that, it seems OAT cancel flights due to bad weather a lot - so much for a fair weather base.
Enough grumbling - off to take Georgia to the pool, try and wash off some of these bad feelings.

I don't believe it!


  • At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Simon. I'm Steve Robinson' Dad (also on AP256), so am very interested in your Training diary!

    Sorry you haven't done any flying yet. Steve's still waiting his clearance also, I believe, so it must be very frustrating. What are they playing at! Hope it gets sorted soon. Good luck, & thanks for the interesting Training Diary !


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