Simon's Flying Training

This is a record of my flying training with Oxford Aviation Training. The first 7 months of Ground School are now complete, and the second phase of the training - the actual flying - starts in Goodyear, Arizona. Keep checking back for updates on my flying progress, and how my Wife and Daughter are coping with a new home in the desert!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

More waiting around....

More about the 2nd day... more briefings... included a scheduled one on how to utilise the Oxford car hire scheme (Stable door open, horse bolted). This briefing was subsequently cancelled anyway, so was even less use than it would have been. Terrific.
We had our mug shots taken for the FBI/CIA/NSA/ETC - there is a chance that some of our group may fly on Friday or Saturday this week, but given that it's 4th July next week and we all get Monday and Tuesday off I don't see it happening.
We had our first afternoon of Technical Briefings today too, which were all very basic introductions to airplane controls. Time filling exercise while the TSA approval to fly comes through.
After finishing early I headed back up to the hotel, got changed out of uniform into something a little more comfortable for a 107 degree F heat, then headed out to view an apartment for us to live in for the reaminder of the stay here. After a tour of the facilities at Desert Sage, Clare and I left there suitable impressed. A few pics attached, but worth checking out for more info.
We are told we can be moved in on Friday this week, which is great news.

Headed over to 'Target' store, which is another huge store similar to Wal-Mart. To say Goodyear is out in the sticks, the amount of stores and their content puts most of England to shame. There's certainly nothing like these places within 50 miles of Oxford, even counting the Asda Wal-Mart in Swindon. And let's not get started on the number of fast food places and restaurants...

It's now 21:45 - Clare and Georgia are both fast asleep on one of the hotel beds. Think I'll call it a night too - try and get a few hours kip before a certain little madam wakes at 5am again, yelling 'UP! UP! UP! DADDY!!' :-)


  • At 4:34 PM, Blogger Jeroen said…

    Hey, So you went for the easy option? Good for you! I have to say: it does look like it is value for money.

    I'm counting down by the way: 3 days untill show-down!


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