Simon's Flying Training

This is a record of my flying training with Oxford Aviation Training. The first 7 months of Ground School are now complete, and the second phase of the training - the actual flying - starts in Goodyear, Arizona. Keep checking back for updates on my flying progress, and how my Wife and Daughter are coping with a new home in the desert!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Great flying, and huge shops.

It's Monday night here, about 21:30. I've just got back from the airport having gone down to do my last solo night flight - but unfortunately the stall horn on N157ND was inop, so flight cancelled.
I already flew today, so it's not really a big deal - but it is a shame to go down there and plan the flight, start the pre-flight checks then have to lock everything down again and come home.Last night I did the night navigation flight. We combined my lesson with Mal's, which meant I flew us from Goodyear to Glendale, then to Deer Valley, then Scottsdale, a transition through Phoenix Sky Harbor class B airspace (see pic), then down to Casa Grande for a full stop, via the holding pattern and ILS approach. We took on some fuel then Mal hopped in and flew us back to Goodyear, doing the route in reverse. It was a really nice flight - the scenery is simply amazing, and although it is still very warm (it was 37 degrees at midnight) - the ride is much much smoother than during the day.
It was Mal's first night flying though, and he really struggled with the landings. I guess a combination of first night flying, unfamiliar airports and flying at 01:00 doesn't help. I thought my part of the flight went really well, and when I checked my grades for the exercise today I saw that Gilbert seemed to agree, as he'd given me some really top scores. I got home at about 2am, struggled to get to sleep before 3am, then was rudely awoken by my alarm at 5:30 as I had a 7:00 navigation flight. I had to get up and plan the flight, work out headings etc etc. I'm happy to say that it went really well, we flew from Goodyear to Casa Grande, then back to Goodyear via Ak Chin. It was the first time I'd been down that way, so it was all unfamiliar scenery. I again thought the flight went really well, Gilbert was asking me various things such as 'what heading would you set if you had to divert to Falcon Field airport now, how far is it and how much fuel?' - and despite the lack of sleep I was on the ball with it and got everything spot on. Same goes when he asked what would I do if I lost all my electrics, and so on. When we got back to Goodyear he didn't really have a debrief for me, he just said it was the best flight I had ever done - and the scores again reflect that. Really pleased - it's a great feeling when you have a good flight and your instructor agrees. Nice to know it's all coming together.

After I got home this morning we decided to head up to Arrowhead Mall - picking Tony up from the airport on the way so he can relieve some of the cabin fever. I needed some new shoes as my leather soled Loakes have worn right through, so I decided to just get some plain black trainers, as they'll be comfier and lighter for flying. I bought myself some New Balance ones which were just the job, and a good price too - but in the process left my Ray Bans on the bench where I tried the shoes on....
What a complete muppet. I realised ten minutes later, but by then it was too late. I feel really bad about it, not so much that they were £100 sunglasses, but mainly because they were a present from Clare for my 30th birthday in May. Gutted gutted gutted.
I crawled back into bed later in the afternoon and grabbed an hours kip before heading to the airport for the night flight and subsequent disappointment. I guess it gives me time to write my blog and update the photo albums...
Tomorrow I have a solo navigation that takes me on quite a long trek round south east Phoenix area. It's scheduled for 12:30, so it's gonna be a hot one, but should be interesting as again it's all new territory for me. Just hope I can manage ok without my shades...
Seeing as my flight is later in the day I've decided to have a couple of drinks tonight - and have splashed out a fortune on a bottle of Port. $2.99 for a bottle of Port, complete with screw top - you know it's gonna be good stuff! The AVGAS we put in the aircraft smells better....

Ah, nearly forgot... Gilbert has asked me to help him build a PC, and he told me about a big electronics store in Phoenix. Yesterday we took a drive over, and he wasn't kidding - imagine all the PC World, Comet, Currys and Dixons in the UK rolled into one giant store, and you pretty much have Fry's Electronics. What an awesome place - so many great PC bits, TV's, cinema kit, you name it. And soooooo cheap too... Dad, you could get yourself some awesome PC bits when you come over - bring a spare suitcase!
I restrained myself to buying a headset for my PC, which Georgia has since commandeered for herself. Speech recognition ATC for flight sim has a problem understanding her though....
Which reminds me - Happy Birthday to my bestest bud Andrew. Hope you had a great 30th my friend. Looking forward to seeing you again when we get back to the UK.


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