Simon's Flying Training

This is a record of my flying training with Oxford Aviation Training. The first 7 months of Ground School are now complete, and the second phase of the training - the actual flying - starts in Goodyear, Arizona. Keep checking back for updates on my flying progress, and how my Wife and Daughter are coping with a new home in the desert!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Best laid plans of mice and men

A couple of disappointing setbacks the last couple of days. On Sunday I was supposed to have my first night flight, but as mentioned previously this was cancelled. Last night I was due again to fly, but the arrival of a bloody great storm put paid to that flight too. I was all geared up for it too, had been out during the day to buy a new torch and other stuff, had an early tea with Clare and Georgia then headed down to the airport. My buddy Mal was due to fly at 18:00, so I was going to back-seat his flight then do my night flight at 19:30. Upon arrival at the airport I was told Mal had cancelled his flight, so I then had to hang around for 90 mins until I was due to fly. After 45 mins Gilbert called from home asking me what the weather was like. It wasn't too bad at the airport, but the radar picture looked horrific - two very large storms moving down from the aouth. Five minutes later I was back in the car heading home, and five minutes after that I took the photo above.
Georgia was really sweet - not phased at all by the thunder and lightning, she just kept asking for more. I've a couple of videos that I'll put on my website soon. When I got up this morning it was raining outside, with more thunder and lightning - first time it hasn't been sunny during the day since we got here in June. It brightened up at about 10:00 though, and then it was business as usual. I've no flying scheduled for today or tomorrow, and we had planned a trip to Tucson but something cropped up which meant we have stayed local. We had a day at home today, venturing out briefly to buy Georgia some new swimming stuff, before heading down to the pool to try it out.
No flying tomorrow, so more chill out time with the family. It feels more special when it's a mid-week break for some reason, hopefully from here on in the days of boring 9-5 Monday-Friday jobs are gone.


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